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Shilajit and related products (EHM)

May 03, 2024, Update: May 03, 2024, author: Everyoung.com
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"Shilajit is a complex substance found in the rocks of specific mountain ranges, most notably the Himalayas. It is a thick, tar-like resin composed of a mixture of humus and organic plant material that rock layers have compressed over centuries. The substance emerges from rock cracks, particularly during the warmer seasons when the heat softens it. Read more about Shilajit in the context of Everyoung Health Method. "

1. Background

The use of Shilajit has deep historical roots, particularly in the traditional medical systems of the Indian subcontinent, such as Ayurveda. It is also used in traditional medicine in other parts of Asia, including Tibet and Nepal. Historical texts, including the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita, which date back to between 200 BCE and 200 CE, reference the use of Shilajit in the context of a medicinal substance with rejuvenating and healing properties.

The etymology of Shilajit is also rooted in Sanskrit, where "Shila" means "rock" and "jit" means "conqueror," reflecting its perceived ability to overcome ailments and invigorate the body. According to Ayurvedic texts, it is considered a powerful rejuvenator, a promoter of strength, and a health enhancer.

Composition and properties

Chemically, Shilajit is highly complex. It contains fulvic and humic acids, as well as a rich array of minerals and trace elements. This unique composition is thought to contribute to its proposed therapeutic properties. Fulvic acid, in particular, is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and memory-enhancing properties.

Research and modern applications

In modern times, scientific interest in Shilajit has grown, particularly its potential as a dietary supplement and its role in supporting various health functions. Studies have explored its impact on memory, cognitive enhancement, testosterone levels, and overall energy metabolism. Its bioactive components, primarily fulvic acid, have been studied for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are believed to fight cellular damage and support the body's natural aging process.

2. Neurobiological Aspects

From a neurobiological perspective, some studies suggest that Shilajit may contribute to brain health by enhancing the brain's mitochondrial function. This is significant because mitochondria are crucial for energy production in nerve cells, and their dysfunction is linked to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Furthermore, its high levels of antioxidants may mitigate oxidative stress, a factor in the aging process and the pathophysiology of many neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, its potential neuroprotective properties are of considerable interest in neurobiology, particularly concerning diseases that involve mitochondrial dysfunctions and oxidative stress.

Thus, Shilajit's rich historical use and promising biochemical properties make it a subject of continuing medical and scientific research. Its history, deeply intertwined with traditional medicine, provides a fascinating glimpse into the natural remedies of ancient cultures. At the same time, modern science seeks to understand and validate its health benefits through rigorous scientific methodology.

3. Effects on the Human Body

  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Shilajit contains significant amounts of fulvic acid with potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are crucial for reducing oxidative stress in the body, which can damage cells and contribute to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. The anti-inflammatory properties of Shilajit can also help reduce the overall burden of inflammation, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis.
  • Cognitive enhancement. One of the most intriguing potential benefits of Shilajit is its effect on cognitive functions. Both studies and our empirical experience at Everyioung.com Research Centre suggest that Shilajit can help enhance memory and protect against mental disorders. This is likely due to its ability to prevent the breakdown of brain chemicals essential for memory and its antioxidative properties that help maintain optimal brain health.
  • Energy regulation and mitochondrial function. Shilajit is believed to influence energy metabolism by enhancing mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, producing energy in the form of ATP. Shilajit can help improve physical energy and vitality by supporting mitochondrial function, which is particularly beneficial in aging populations.
  • Immune system support. The bioactive compounds in Shilajit may also bolster the immune system. This could be directly through the enhancement of immune response or indirectly through the reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Bone and tissue health. Some research points to Shilajit's potential benefits in promoting bone health and accelerating tissue repair. This is particularly relevant in the context of osteoporosis and fracture healing.

4. Scientific Validation

The effects of Shilajit on the human body have been studied through various scientific methods.

  • In Vitro studies. Many studies on Shilajit begin with in vitro tests (conducted in a laboratory setting using cells or biological molecules outside their everyday biological context). These studies help understand Shilajit's biochemical interactions with cells and potential mechanisms of action.
  • Animal studies. Research often progresses to animal models to observe the effects on a living organism. Such studies have suggested benefits such as memory enhancement, anti-inflammatory effects, and increased energy production.
  • Clinical trials. The most direct evidence comes from human clinical trials. For example, a study published in the "Journal of Alzheimer's Disease" suggested that Shilajit could potentially stabilize human cognitive impairments. Other studies have focused on its effects on testosterone levels, fatigue, and performance in high-altitude environments.

While traditional uses and preliminary scientific research suggest that Shilajit has beneficial effects on health, further study, particularly more large-scale, randomized clinical trials, is needed to fully understand its efficacy and safety. The complexity of its composition and the variability in the quality of commercial Shilajit products also pose challenges in standardizing its use and confirming its health benefits consistently across different studies. As such, while promising, the scientific community approaches Shilajit cautiously, seeking more definitive evidence of its effects and mechanisms.

5. Shilajit Products

Shilajit can be found in several forms and at the Everyoung.com Research Centre we have tested many Shilajit products.

  • Raw Shilajit resin. This is the most natural form, minimally processed to remove impurities. It's typically dark, thick, and sticky.
  • Powdered Shilajit. The resin is dried and ground into a powder, making it easier to store and use in capsules or mix into drinks.
  • Shilajit capsules. These are filled with either the powder or a small portion of resin, offering convenience for dosage control.
  • Liquid Shilajit. This is usually a solution of the resin in water, allowing quick absorption.

6. Popular Brands

  • Pure Himalayan Shilajit.—This brand is known for offering Shilajit in its raw resin form, sourced directly from the Himalayas. It emphasizes natural processing methods to maintain the purity and potency of its product.
  • Pürblack. Pürblack produces a live resin Shilajit that it claims exceeds traditional Shilajit in efficacy and health benefits. Their product undergoes a proprietary purification process designed to retain a high concentration of active constituents.
  • Lotus Blooming Herbs' authentic Shilajit. This is another brand that provides Shilajit in its traditional, resinous form. The company assures that their Shilajit is sourced from the Himalayan mountains and is purified using traditional methods without the use of solvents.
  • Himalayan healing Shilajit. Known for both its raw resin and its powder, this brand focuses on ethical sourcing and natural processing. It provides lab testing results to verify the purity and content of its Shilajit.


Shilajit is available in various forms and brands, each offering different advantages depending on your convenience, form, and processing preferences. It's advisable to conduct thorough research or consult a healthcare provider when considering adding any new supplement to your regimen, especially one like Shilajit, which has significant biological effects.
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Friday, May 03, 2024

I have tested this and many products related to that and I can assure that at least in my case Shilajit did significantly prove cognitive abilities!

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