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Fat burning and Everyoung methods (EHM, EBM)

Mar 28, 2024, Update: Mar 28, 2024, author: Everyoung.com
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"This article explores the fascinating journey of fat-burning within the body, a process essential to our energy management and overall health. We look into ways the Everyoung Health and Everyoung Body methods help reduce unwanted fat."

1. Lipolysis

Mobilization of Fat Cells: The Lipolysis Process

First, we shall examine the two crucial phases about fat burning: mobilization, known primarily as lipolysis, and the subsequent oxidation phase, where the actual reduction of fat takes place.

Imagine your body as a bustling city, where fat cells (or adipocytes) are like stored energy reserves, much like fuel stations. These reserves are primarily triglycerides, molecules composed of glycerol bonded to three fatty acids. Before these stored fats can be used as fuel, they must be mobilized - a process akin to breaking down fuel into a usable form for energy.

Lipolysis is the body's method of initiating this. Triggered by hormonal signals, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, glucagon, and cortisol, this process breaks the bonds between fatty acids and glycerol within the triglycerides. Once these bonds are severed, free fatty acids and glycerol are released into the bloodstream. From here, they embark on their journey to the mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells, where they will be converted into energy.

2. Oxidation

Oxidation Phase: The Fat Reduction Highway

Free fatty acids travel through the bloodstream to muscle cells and other tissues upon their release. They undergo beta-oxidation, a series of reactions in the mitochondria that breaks down these fatty acids into acetyl-CoA, a pivotal molecule in energy metabolism.

Acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle (known as the Krebs cycle), a complex chemical reaction series producing electron carriers. These carriers feed electrons into the electron transport chain, a process that generates a significant amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of the cell.

How the fat gets reduced

It is within this oxidative phase that the magic happens: the actual reduction of fat. The energy produced fuels various cellular activities, effectively burning the once-stored fat. Moreover, this process generates by-products, such as water and carbon dioxide, which are expelled from the body through exhalation, urination, and sweat. Understanding the basic principles of fat metabolism is pivotal for anyone aiming to manage their weight or improve their fitness levels. The journey from lipolysis to oxidation demonstrates the body's remarkable ability to convert stored fat into energy, highlighting the importance of diet and exercise in influencing these processes. Regular physical activity enhances the efficiency of both phases, facilitating the mobilization of fat reserves and their subsequent oxidation for energy production. It's a fine-tuned system that, when properly nurtured, supports overall health and well-being.

3. Adrenaline

Understanding the intricate roles of adrenaline and epinephrine in fat metabolism offers a fascinating glimpse into how our bodies efficiently manage energy. These hormones, crucial in our fight-or-flight response, are pivotal in initiating and regulating lipolysis and oxidation, the critical phases of fat burning. Let's explore their scientific roles in a comprehensive yet digestible manner.

The Role of Adrenaline and Epinephrine in Lipolysis

Adrenaline and epinephrine are two names for the same compound, with adrenaline commonly used in the UK and epinephrine in the US. Produced by the adrenal glands, this hormone is a central player in the body's acute stress response, preparing the body for rapid action. When the body perceives a threat, adrenaline levels spike, triggering several physiological changes. One of these changes is the activation of lipolysis, breaking down triglycerides stored in fat cells into glycerol and free fatty acids. This action is mediated by the hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) enzyme, which adrenaline activates.

Adrenaline binds to β-adrenergic receptors on the surface of fat cells. This interaction stimulates a cascade of intracellular events, leading to the activation of adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase increases the cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels, a secondary messenger that activates protein kinase A (PKA). PKA, in turn, activates HSL, which mobilizes stored triglycerides by breaking them down into free fatty acids and glycerol. These breakdown products are then released into the bloodstream, which can be transported to tissues needing energy, such as muscle cells.

The Effect on Oxidation

Once mobilized, free fatty acids are available for oxidation, the process by which, as we discussed, cells convert fat into energy. Adrenaline's role extends into this phase by facilitating the uptake of these fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells, where beta-oxidation occurs. This process converts fatty acids into acetyl-CoA, which enters the citric acid cycle to produce ATP, the cell's energy currency. Moreover, adrenaline enhances the oxidation process by increasing blood flow to active muscles, ensuring a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients for efficient energy production. This increased blood flow also means that more fatty acids can be transported to where they are most needed, thus enhancing the body's ability to use fat as a fuel source.

Thus, adrenaline plays a critical role in the mobilization of fat from storage and its subsequent oxidation to produce energy. By initiating lipolysis, adrenaline ensures that free fatty acids are available for use as fuel. Furthermore, facilitating their transport and uptake into cells enhances the body's ability to oxidize these fats, converting them into vital energy. This dual role underscores the importance of adrenaline in energy management and exercise performance, illustrating the body's remarkable capacity to adapt to immediate energy demands. Understanding these mechanisms can help design more effective nutrition and fitness strategies tailored to harnessing the power of our body's natural responses to stress and exercise.

4. Different kinds of fat

Next, explore the distinct characteristics and functions of white, brown, and beige adipose tissues. Each type plays unique roles in our physiology, contributing to how our bodies store energy, regulate temperature, and even influence fat loss and overall health.

White Adipose Tissue (WAT)

White fat is the most abundant fat in the human body, serving primarily as an energy reserve. This fat type stores energy in large, single droplets of triglycerides within each cell, which can be mobilized for energy during fasting or increased physical activity. White fat also plays significant roles in hormone production, including leptin, which regulates appetite, and adiponectin, which influences insulin sensitivity and inflammation.

When people talk about losing fat, they refer to reducing their stores of white fat, especially the visceral fat deep within the abdomen. This type of fat is linked to various metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. The subcutaneous layer of fat, which is situated just under the skin and is predominantly white, contributes to body shape and insulation.

Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)

Brown fat is specialized for heat production, a process known as thermogenesis. Unlike white fat, brown fat cells contain many smaller droplets of lipids and a high number of mitochondria, which gives them their characteristic brown color. These mitochondria are equipped with a unique protein called uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1), which allows the cells to burn calories and generate heat without producing ATP, the energy molecule.

This type of fat is more abundant in infants, playing a crucial role in helping them maintain body temperature. In adults, brown fat is less prevalent but is found in areas such as the neck, around the shoulders, and along the spine. Activating brown fat through exposure to cold temperatures, for example, can increase calorie expenditure and has been investigated as a potential strategy for combating obesity and metabolic disease.

Beige Adipose Tissue

Beige fat is a relatively newly identified type of fat that exhibits white and brown adipose tissue characteristics. Beige fat cells are found within white fat deposits. Still, they can be induced to adopt a brown fat-like function, including thermogenesis, in response to certain stimuli such as cold exposure or certain hormones.

Morphing White into Brown Fat

Recent research has shown that it is possible to convert white fat into beige fat, a process known as "browning," through various methods, including sustained cold exposure, exercise, and certain pharmacological agents - all of which we have actively practiced at Everyoung Research Center. Browning increases the body's capacity to burn calories and produce heat, highlighting a potential therapeutic target for obesity and metabolic disorders.

The transformation of white to beige fat involves the upregulation of UCP1, similar to the mechanism seen in brown fat, leading to an increased metabolic rate and energy expenditure. This area of research offers promising insights into how we might better manage weight and metabolic health by modulating the types and functions of fat in our bodies.

Key ideas

White, brown, and beige fats each play unique and essential roles in our body's energy management, thermal regulation, and metabolic health. Understanding these differences sheds light on the complexity of our biology and opens avenues for targeted approaches to improving health outcomes related to obesity and metabolic diseases. The potential to "morph" white fat into more metabolically active forms like brown or beige fat offers an exciting frontier in developing more effective weight management and metabolic therapies.

5. Everyoung Health Method

Understanding Succinate

Succinate is a crucial intermediate in the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle), a fundamental pathway in cellular respiration that generates energy in the mitochondria. Beyond its role in energy production, succinate is a signaling molecule involved in various physiological processes, including inflammation, stress responses, and metabolic regulation.

Many recent research that we have investigated has highlighted succinate's potential in promoting thermogenesis (heat production) in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Thermogenesis requires significant energy expenditure, which the body often meets by burning fat. This process is naturally regulated by the body's need to maintain its core temperature, an effort that can be amplified through certain stimuli, like cold exposure.

The Role of Succinate in Fat Reduction

Succinate levels increase in the body during physical activity or when exposed to cold, acting as a signal for energy demand. In response to cold, for example, succinate is believed to stimulate BAT to undergo thermogenesis to generate heat and increase energy expenditure, potentially leading to fat reduction.

The thermogenesis process in BAT involves the uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), which allows the mitochondria to burn fuels like fats and sugars to produce heat instead of ATP (energy). Succinate is thought to enhance this process, effectively turning the energy from fat into heat and contributing to fat reduction.

The Everyoung Health Method and Cold-Induced Shivering

One part of the Everyoung Health Method's strategy is inducing shivers through mildly cold showers or baths, utilizing the body's natural response to cold to stimulate energy expenditure and increase succinate production. The body employs several mechanisms to preserve core temperature when exposed to cold. Mild shivering, a rapid involuntary contraction of muscles, is one such mechanism that generates heat and significantly increases metabolic rate.

"Everyoung shivering"

This induced shivering stimulates heat production through increased muscle activity, potentially elevating succinate levels in the metabolic response to cold stress. Elevated succinate could, in turn, activate brown fat thermogenesis, contributing to an increase in energy expenditure and fat burning.

We have seen multiple times empirically how systematic repeated cycles of cold exposure, such as taking multiple mildly cold showers or baths and experiencing shivering, enhance this effect. By periodically boosting succinate levels and stimulating BAT activity, this method supports fat reduction and improves metabolic health over time (according to our experience).

The Everyoung Health Method's focus on succinate and cold-induced shivering represents a novel approach to stimulating fat reduction through natural metabolic processes. By leveraging the body's response to cold to increase succinate production and activate thermogenesis in brown fat, this method offers a potential strategy for enhancing fat burning and improving metabolic efficiency.

6. Everyoung Body Method

The Everyoung Body method presents a practical approach to fat loss, targeting the optimization of lipolysis (fat breakdown) and fat oxidation through a strategically designed exercise regimen. This method contrasts with traditional workouts, which often prioritize glycogen depletion from muscles over tapping into fat reserves. Let's break down the science behind this approach and outline guidelines for each phase.

Traditional Training: Burning Muscle, Not Fat

During short, intense exercises, the body primarily relies on anaerobic metabolism, which uses glycogen stored in muscles as the primary energy source. This process does not require oxygen and quickly produces energy for high-intensity activities. However, it also leads to rapid glycogen depletion without significantly affecting fat stores. The body prefers this quick-access energy during intense activities because mobilizing fat stores is slower and more suited to longer, less intense exercises.

A Four-Phase Approach

  • Preparation Phase. Combine the following approaches to prepare the body to utilize fat as a primary energy source.
  • Fasting. Refrain from eating 3-6 hours before exercising. Fasting helps lower insulin levels, making it easier for the body to access and burn fat stores.
  • Supplementation. Consume caffeine, mate, and L-carnitine. Caffeine and mate can enhance alertness and increase adrenaline release, promoting lipolysis. L-carnitine transports fatty acids into the mitochondria, which can be burned for energy.
  • Moderate Rate Exercise. The body transitions from using readily available glycogen to mobilizing fat stores in the following way. Engage in moderate aerobic exercise for about 20-30 minutes. This can include brisk walking, light jogging, or cycling. The goal is to increase blood flow, elevate heart rate moderately, and prime the body to switch to fat as a fuel source.

Hard and Intensive Exercise Phase

This phase Maximizes fat oxidation through high-intensity activity. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Perform short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by rest or low-intensity periods. This phase should last about 15-20 minutes. HIIT has been shown to increase metabolic rate and fat oxidation rates more effectively than steady-state cardio, partly due to the afterburn effect (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC).

Longer Moderate to Low Rate Exercising

Continue fat oxidation at a sustainable rate. After the intensity of HIIT, shift to a more extended period of moderate to low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as steady-state jogging, cycling, or swimming for 30-60 minutes. This phase helps the body burn fat in the presence of oxygen and takes advantage of the fatty acids released during the previous stages.

Scientific Basis and Benefits

This methodological approach leverages the body's metabolic flexibility, gradually shifting its reliance from glycogen to fat as a primary energy source. The fasting and supplementation in the preparation phase enhance lipolysis and fat oxidation readiness. Moderate exercise warms up the body and starts the fat mobilization process. The intense exercise phase then significantly boosts metabolic rate and fat oxidation, which continues into the extended moderate exercise phase.

By strategically combining these phases, the Everyoung Body method creates a sustained environment favorable for fat loss. It maximizes the body's ability to tap into and efficiently burn fat stores while preserving muscle glycogen and mass. This approach supports short-term fat reduction and contributes to long-term improvements in metabolic health and endurance.

Disclaimer: In practice, this method is always tailored by a certified Everyoung Body Method trainer to meet individual fitness levels and health conditions. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare or fitness professional before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially one involving fasting and high-intensity activities, may be advisable.
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Thursday, Mar 28, 2024

Very high quality articles – I have tried to reduce the fat forever, and this method really is helpful, especially the active body method part! :)

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