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Can mewing yoga help with overbite

Mar 16, 2024, Update: Mar 16, 2024, author: Everyoung.com
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"Overbite, a typical orthodontic condition where the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth vertically, can significantly impact oral health and facial aesthetics. Can overbite be improved through practices like mewing and mewing yoga? While there are no guarantees, numerous individuals have reported positive outcomes. This article delves into the causes of overbite and explores the potential effects of mewing and mewing yoga on its correction. "

1. What is overbite?

Overbite refers to a dental condition in which the upper front teeth excessively overlap the lower front teeth vertically. It's one of the most common malocclusions observed in patients. An overbite can be either dental, where the issue lies primarily with the teeth' alignment, or skeletal, where the jaw's positioning contributes to the problem.

Jetbite is less commonly used in professional terminology but is understood as an alternative term for overjet. Overjet is characterized by a pronounced horizontal gap between the upper and lower front teeth and the forward protrusion of the upper teeth beyond the lower teeth.

2. Causes of Overbite and Overjet

The development of overbite and overjet can be attributed to a combination of genetic and environmental factors:

  • Genetic Predisposition. Jaw structure and teeth alignment are often inherited traits. If parents have overbite or overjet, their children might also be predisposed to similar conditions. 
  • Habits in Childhood. Prolonged thumb sucking, pacifier use beyond the age of three, and excessive bottle feeding can alter jaw development and teeth positioning, leading to overbite or overjet. 
  • Poor Myofunctional Habits. Improper tongue posture, mouth breathing, and inadequate chewing practices can influence the jaw's growth and teeth alignment. 
  • Loss of Teeth.  Early tooth loss without timely orthodontic intervention can cause the remaining teeth to shift, potentially leading to an overbite or overjet. 

Image of an overbite.
Image of an overbite.

3. Mewing and Overbite

Potential Benefits of Mewing in Addressing Overbite and Jetbite (Overjet)

Mewing might offer several advantages for individuals experiencing overbite or jetbite, including the following. 


  • Facial Symmetry Enhancement. By promoting the correct tongue placement against the palate, mewing strives to foster even development across facial muscles and bones. This equilibrium can gradually forge a more aesthetically pleasing and balanced facial appearance. 
  • Jawline Definition. Regular engagement of the tongue muscles through mewing supports the lower jaw, potentially sculpting a more defined jawline. This aesthetic benefit aligns with the desires of many seeking improvements in facial contours. 

Orthodontic Support. While mewing cannot replace orthodontic treatments, it may be a supplementary practice. For mild malocclusions, such as slight overbites or jetbites, mewing could aid in the correction process and diminish the risk of post-treatment regression.

The rationale behind mewing rests on the premise that proper oral posture can transform the facial structure. The technique encourages a natural alignment of the jaw and teeth by maintaining the tongue's position against the roof of the mouth, facilitating nasal breathing, and adopting proper swallowing practices.

Practical Guidance on Mewing with Overbite 

To effectively implement mewing, especially in an overbite or jetbite context, consider the following steps.

  • Tongue Positioning. Position your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, ensuring the tip is just behind your upper front teeth without touching them. 
  • Pressure Application. Gently press your tongue against the palate to encourage proper alignment. This subtle pressure should be moderate but consistent. 
  • Consistency is Key. Regular practice is essential, as the benefits of mewing unfold over time. Patience and persistence will be your allies in this journey. 
  • Avoid Excessive Pressure. It's crucial not to apply too much force to the front teeth to prevent exacerbating an overbite or getting bitten. 

For those with overbite or jetbite, mewing may offer a potential pathway to improvement. By applying consistent, gentle pressure with the tongue against the palate, individuals may experience a gradual expansion of the maxilla (upper jaw). This process can contribute to the realignment of the upper and lower jaws, addressing the issues underlying overbite and jetbite. However, it's essential to approach mewing with care to avoid unintended pressure on the teeth, which could otherwise worsen the condition.

While mewing presents a promising non-invasive option for facial and dental alignment, it's vital to approach this method with realistic expectations and understand its limitations. It cannot replace the need for professional orthodontic treatment in a severe overbite, jetbite, or other complex dental issues. Consider consulting with an orthodontist to evaluate the suitability of mewing with traditional orthodontic solutions.

In summary, mewing and mewing yoga represent an optimistic, albeit supplementary, approach to addressing specific orthodontic challenges, including overbite and jetbite. By fostering proper oral posture and encouraging natural jaw alignment, mewing can enhance facial aesthetics and contribute to overall dental health.

4. Nasal breathing and Overbite

The Impact of Breathing Mode on Oral Health  

Breathing patterns play a significant role in the development and alignment of the jaw and teeth. Mouth breathing, often a habit formed due to obstructed nasal passages or by choice, can lead to several orthodontic issues, including overbite and overjet. Conversely, nasal breathing promotes a more favorable oral posture, positively affecting dental alignment.

Nasal Breathing, Mewing, and Tongue Posture  

Nasal breathing encourages the tongue to rest in its natural position against the palate. This posture is crucial for several reasons.

Supports Maxillary Development: When the tongue consistently rests against the palate, it supports and stimulates the horizontal growth of the maxilla (upper jaw). This wider maxillary arch can provide adequate space for teeth alignment, potentially reducing the severity of overbite and overjet.

Prevents Unfavorable Growth Patterns. Mouth breathing often leads to a lower resting position of the tongue, contributing to a longer, narrower facial shape and dental arch. This can exacerbate overbite and overjet conditions. Nasal breathing, by promoting a higher tongue position, helps maintain a balanced facial growth pattern.

Encourages Proper Jaw Alignment. The correct tongue position associated with nasal breathing can also influence the mandible (lower jaw) to grow more forward. This can help reduce overjet by harmonizing the upper and lower jaws more harmonically.

5. Transitioning to nasal breathing

Transitioning to nasal breathing can have a multifaceted impact on overbite and overjet through its effect on tongue posture and jaw development.

  • Reduced Overbite Severity. Nasal breathing can encourage proper tongue posture and lead to a natural elevation of the upper jaw's growth pattern. This can decrease the vertical overlap between the upper and lower teeth, thereby reducing the severity of an overbite. 
  • Alignment Correction for Overjet. Nasal breathing promotes a forward growth direction of the lower jaw, which can decrease the horizontal gap characteristic of overjet. This adjustment in the jaw's growth direction can lead to a more balanced relationship between the upper and lower teeth. 

    Practical Steps to Encourage Nasal Breathing

  • Address Nasal Obstructions. Consulting with a healthcare professional to treat conditions like enlarged adenoids, deviated septum, or allergies can help transition to nasal breathing. 
  • Myofunctional Therapy. Exercises that strengthen the tongue and other orofacial muscles can support the transition to nasal breathing and improve tongue posture. 
  • Habit Correction. Conscious efforts to keep the mouth closed and breathe through the nose during the day and utilizing methods like mouth taping at night (under professional supervision) can facilitate this habit change. 

Switching from mouth breathing to nasal breathing presents a non-invasive approach to improving overbite and overjet conditions. By fostering an optimal tongue position and supporting harmonious facial growth, nasal breathing can contribute to better orthodontic health. While the transition holds promise for mitigating these common orthodontic issues, it should be complemented with professional orthodontic assessment and intervention when necessary. The collaboration between improved breathing habits and traditional orthodontic treatments can maximize the potential for achieving a balanced and healthy oral structure.

6. Mewing Yoga and Overbite

Mewing Yoga integrates the principles of mewing - focused on improving facial structure and alignment through proper tongue posture, nasal breathing, and good overall posture - with yoga's holistic and disciplined approach. This synergy addresses issues like overbite, offering a comprehensive strategy that extends beyond the physical aspects to mental and emotional well-being. The practice's advantages, particularly concerning overbite improvement, are multifaceted.

Enhanced Mind-Body Connection  

Mewing Yoga fosters a deep connection between the mind and body, encouraging practitioners to become more attuned to their physical state and posture. This heightened awareness makes it easier to correct improper tongue posture and breathing habits that contribute to overbite. By integrating mewing practices with yoga's mindful approach, individuals can more effectively internalize these habits, transitioning them from conscious efforts to subconscious behaviors.

Incremental Habit Formation 

The structured levels of Mewing Yoga facilitate gradual habit formation. Starting with external reminders and progressing toward intrinsic motivation and identity integration ensures the practice is manageable. This step-by-step approach mirrors the incremental nature of orthodontic and facial changes, aligning well with the slow yet steady progress required for mewing to impact overbite potentially.

Holistic Approach to Overbite Correction 

Mewing Yoga offers a holistic alternative or complement to traditional orthodontic treatments for overbite. By addressing not just the physical aspects but also incorporating elements that promote mental clarity and emotional balance, the practice aims to improve overall well-being. This broader perspective may enhance the resilience and consistency needed for the long-term commitment required in altering facial structure and posture.

Improved Posture and Respiratory Health  

Integrating yoga principles emphasizes the importance of posture and respiratory health, both crucial for effective mewing. Good posture supports proper jaw alignment, while nasal breathing is fundamental to maintaining optimal tongue positioning. These benefits extend beyond overbite correction, contributing to improved general health and potentially alleviating related conditions such as TMJ disorders and sleep apnea.

Sustainable, Intuitive Transformation  

The ultimate goal of Mewing Yoga is to achieve a sustainable and intuitive transformation. Making mewing a part of one's core identity transcends being merely a series of exercises, becoming a natural aspect of daily life. This level of integration promises the most lasting impact, stabilizing and maintaining overbite improvements over time.

Mewing Yoga presents an innovative and holistic approach to managing overbite, emphasizing gradual habit formation, mind-body awareness, and integrating mewing principles into one's identity. While it offers a promising adjunct to conventional treatments, individuals interested in this method should approach it with patience and realistic expectations, recognizing the time and dedication required for substantive changes. As with any holistic or alternative health practice, it's advisable to consult with orthodontic professionals to ensure complementary and safe application alongside traditional care pathways.
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Sunday, Mar 17, 2024

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Saturday, Mar 16, 2024

Very good enlightening article! I read it and at least for me it totally makes sense to try mewing.

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